The Addams Family
Grandmama Addams (Blossom Rock)

The family cook, and Gomez's mother.
Morticia Addams (Carolyn Jones)

A vampish woman who dresses only in black, and loves to cut off rose buds... leaving only the stems. When she speaks anything in French... it drives Gomez crazy!
Uncle Fester Addams (Jackie Coogan)

Moritica's Uncle, who had a thing for explosives and could light up light bulbs when placed in his mouth.
Lurch (and The Thing) (Ted Cassidy)

Lurch was the family butler, and harpsicord player. Ted Cassidy also played "The Thing, an arm which would come out of box in stragetic places throughout the house. He also appeared on Star Trek as the android Ruk and as the voice of Balock.

The family cook, and Gomez's mother.
Morticia Addams (Carolyn Jones)

A vampish woman who dresses only in black, and loves to cut off rose buds... leaving only the stems. When she speaks anything in French... it drives Gomez crazy!
Uncle Fester Addams (Jackie Coogan)

Moritica's Uncle, who had a thing for explosives and could light up light bulbs when placed in his mouth.
Lurch (and The Thing) (Ted Cassidy)

Lurch was the family butler, and harpsicord player. Ted Cassidy also played "The Thing, an arm which would come out of box in stragetic places throughout the house. He also appeared on Star Trek as the android Ruk and as the voice of Balock.
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